̵忡 ̳ ´ٴ ܰǥ 6oo vonchio ѱ ۼ NOV 18, 2015 / 666537 VIEWS / 19 ̱ ܰǥ 600 001. б ⸻ þ? Did you ace your finals last semester? 002. Ŵ. I'm aching in the joints. 003. . My body aches all over. 004. . Stop acting coy. 005. ҳ äմϱ? Are you adding fuel to the fire? 006. ѱ ¾ڸ ̿. Koreans add a year as soon as babies are born. 007. ״ óؾ߸ Ѵ. He must address the problem. 008. 츮 ݿϱ Ͽ. We adjourned the meeting until next Friday. 009. ϼž մϴ. I advise you to be cautious. 010. ܿ Ÿ. Winter affects me a lot. 011. ð . I could not afford the time. 012. µ ¥ ̰ . They agree like cats and dogs. 013. ⸦ Խϴ. Beef doesn't agree with me. 014. ٻϴ. I'm in a situation that doesn't allow me a moment to blink. 015. ϰڽϴ. Allow me. 016. Ȳ ϰ ̴. Circumstances alter cases. 017. ¥ . You're very annoying. 018. ״ ش ʴ´. It doesn't apply to you. 019. ϴ. There is no arranged seating. 020. ð մ . Few guests arrived on time. 021. ڽ ͱ. He asked for it. 022. ʹ ǰ? Am I asking for too much? 023. ٸ ˾ƺ ? Why don't you ask someone else? 024. ܵ ô. I asked him point‐blank. 025. Ǵٴ... Ask for troubles. 026. Ѱ¤ . Don't assume too much. 027. ״ ô ϰ ־. He assumed to be deaf. 028. ׳ Ǽ ٳ. I attended half‐heartedly. 029. п ٴϽʴϱ? Which college are you attending? 030. 弼? What is so attractive about her? 031. ûص ǰڽϱ? Can I audit your class? 032. Դϱ? How old do you think I am? 033. ߵ ±! What a good talker you are! 034. 躸 . Who do you think I am? 035. ģ ? You are still between girls, right? 036. ִ ״ ʸ . I love you just the way you are. 037. ġ. He is accident‐prone. 038. ٳ. He is absent‐minded. 039. ȭ ? Were you half asleep when you picked up the phone? 040. ܹ . The sample is ample. 041. ƿ. The aftertaste is bad. 042. Ƹ Լ ſ. It will probably be a bit awkward. 043. ʾƿ? Isn't it awkward writing with your left hand? 044. ˷Ⱑ ־. I'm allergic to peaches. 045. Һε˴ϱ? Is financing available? 046. . It's about time. 047. . Everything is all abroad. 048. ״ б 2 迹. He is two years ahead of me in school. 049. ׳డ ָ ƴϾ ڳ. I hope she's still around. 050. ״ ƿ. He has been around. 051. ʾҳ. The job interview is just around the corner. 052. ٴϱ. It's never around when you need it. 053. ʰƿ. It's as good as new. 054. ϴ. She was as pleased as punch. 055. Į ٴϱ! She is as sharp as a razor! 056. װ Ѱ迹. That's as far as you can go. 057. ̱. You're as stubborn as a mule. 058. ⸸ŭ ʾƿ. It's not as bad as it seems. 059. ŭ ϴ±. It's as good as it costs. 060. Ա ̴. The world is as you take it. 061. ҹ ߾. It wasn't as good as it was made out to be. 062. ؿ. I'm as sober as I can be. 063. ܸ ߿ϴ. Handsome is as handsome does. 064. ڴ ϴ. She is at home in French. 065. ״ ɼɶϴ. He's terribly at home in English. 066. ̴. He is at large. 067. ʴ ó . You seem to be at everything. 068. Ѹ ֽʽÿ. I am at your service. 069. 䳢 ̶. When the cat's away, the mice will play. 070. ϴ ִ ϳ. Being away from 0someone you love is one of the hardest things in the world. 071. ִ 鿡 ȭ ־ ٵ. I wish I could have called my family more often while I was away from home. 072. ߰ Ͻô ̴ϱ? Is this in addition? 073. ̿. He's all mouth. 074. װ װ ƴϴ! That's my affair! 075. װ . That's another pair of shoes. 076. װ . That's apples and oranges. 077. װ 츮 ī. It's our ace in the hole. 078. ״ ľ ִ ̴. He is an amusing old party. 079. ʳ. I feel as if their hardship is mine. 080. Ǯ̰ ־. There is a small party afterwards. 081. °ڴ°? What's the angle? 082. 츮 ۿ . My brother and I are only a year apart. 083. ̰ . This is anything but good. 084. ּ. May I have your autograph? 085. ġ ʹ ؿ. I have such an awful toothache. 086. ټ Ǿ. The ayes have it. 087. ª ƾ ȴ. It's hard to tell the difference only by theirappearances. 088. λ ҳ? Who won the life‐time achievement award this year? 089. 糪 Ϸ . Now back to the grind. 090. ־ ʰھ. I'm not going to back down. 091. 뿡 ߳ ̴ϴ. It won't backfire. 092. ģ ѱ 賶 ϰ ־. My friend is backpacking around Korea. 093. ƾ. I'm back‐stabbed by John. 094. ! ؾ Ѵ . Bag it! I'm trying to concentrate. 095. ٸ¤. You barked up the wrong tree again. 096. 忡 ȣ . I was bawled out by the boss. 097. ÿ ´ٰ ? What time did he say he would be here? 098. 10 ε Դϴ. Being a teenager is tough enough. 099. δ 糪 ˰ ̿. His bark is worse than his bite. 100. ̵ ִ ִ. All things in their being are good for something. 101. ״ ϴ. He is buff. 102. ״ ռϴ. He is full of beans. 103. . This is breathtaking. 104. ƴϾ. I wasn't born yesterday. 105. ڿ Ѻ . I am right behind you. 106. ʴ ʹ . Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. 107. ѱ þ. Your Korean is much better now. 108. ٸ ε dzʶ. Second thoughts are best. 109. ɼθ ٺ ˾ƺ. As the twig is bent, so grows the tree. 110. ϴ. Many people are homeward bound. 111. ̻ ھ. I'm too breathless to go any farther. 112. . This is better than nothing. 113. ̰ ǰ? Is it biodegradable? 114. ƿ. That's much better. 115. ٳðԿ. I'll be right back. 116. ָ ص Ͼ. Even if it were true, I still wouldn't believe you. 117. ¾ ϴ . No one is good from the beginning. 118. ణ ġ ̱ ϴ. It's a little bit below the belt. 119. ȹ ϴ. His plan is beyond challenge. 120. ״ £ ־. He is in the back of the pack. 121. Ȱ̴. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 122. Դϱ? What breed is it? 123. K Ź ̾. Mr. K is a big buyer. 124. ? Can't you just stop being a bull in a china shop? 125. ȭ ȴ. A horror movie is always good box office. 126. ٵƾ. He's a basket‐case. 127. װ ̴. That's no bottle. 128. װ ̴. That's no way to behave. 129. , غ. OK! You are the boss. 130. ̸ µ. There's no one here by that name. 131. Ϸ ȳ 帮ڽϴ. I'm your buddy for the day. 132. ٷ⿹. I'm the black sheep of the family. 133. ȭ̾. I am a big‐time movie buff. 134. ڴ ϱ ̴. Behind every great man, there is a great woman. 135. ̾. You bet I do! 136. װ ܾ. That's a very big word for you. 137. ̾. It's all because of you. 138. . You're stone broke. 139. Դϴ. It is a big blow. 140. ! It's all bunk! 141. ȵ. It's baloney. 142. ʸ ϴ. The beaten road is the safest. 143. ̴ϴ. That's the way the ball bounces. 144. Ա⿴. That was a no‐brainer. 145. ˸̰ ݾƿ? Where's the beef? 146. ̷, ? What's the big idea? 147. ̰ ȭ . Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. 148. ܰ ? What's my balance? 149. . It's a good buy. 150. ÿϴ. It's kind of a bittersweet thing. 151. ΰڳ. The bet's off. 152. ״ ſ Ȯϴ. He's on the beam. 153. Կ . I'm on the teacher's bad side. 154. ż. You're on the back burner now. 155. ߵ . Your butt is on fire. 156. ƾ. He is round the bend. 157. 汸. Born in a barn. 158. ȴ ͺ . It beats walking. 159. ̱ ٸ ƶ. If you can't beat them, join them. 160. . Beats me. 161. ݺ . You can't beat the price. 162. ̸ ܵ ! Stop beating around the bush. 163. ѱ Ǽ̱. You have become Koreanized. 164. ´. Charity begins at home. 165. ΰ Ż ? How can he be human and behave that way? 166. ̰ Ȳϳ. I can't believe it. 167. . You bet your life. 168. ܼ ϸ Ҵ . Fast bind, fast find. 169. ƴϾ. I won't bite you. 170. ̴ Ծ Ѵ. He bit off more than he can chew. 171. ڶ ܶѲ . Once bitten, twice shy. 172. θ ۾ƾ ? Whose else should I be polishing? 173. å ƴϾ. I don't blame you. 174. ƴ, ̷ ! God bless the mark! 175. ̴. It will soon blow over. 176. ״ û ȭ ̴ϴ. He'll blow his top. 177. Ҹ ! Stop blowing your own horn! 178. ġ . Don't blow it. 179. ȭ . Don't blow your own trumpet. 180. ᱹ ſ? What does it all boil down to? 181. Ҽ ư. A watched pot never boils. 182. ӱ. I borrow from Peter to pay Paul. 183. ̷ . Don't boss me around. 184. ʹ Ű澲 ! Don't let it bother you. 185. ! Bottle it! 186. ġƱ ϰ ֽϴ. I have braces on my teeth. 187. . Let's break the mold. 188. ״ η 기. He breaks out in a cold sweat. 189. ̾. I'm damn broke. 190. ϸ . Who breaks pays. 191. . All hell broke loose. 192. ⸦ Į . Break a fly on the wheel. 193. شٱ. Taxes are breaking our backs. 194. ִ. This car is well broken in. 195. . Jane broke Tom's heart when she left him. 196. Ÿ õ ¿ ٴϱ. What is bred in the bone will come out in the flesh. 197. ڶ. I was breast‐fed as a child. 198. . Don't even bring that up. 199. ģ ּ. Please bring me up to speed. 200. ? Who brings home the bacon? 201. ݾƿ. You brought it up first. 202. . Bring yourself. 203. ȴ ڳ. I'd better bring in the laundry. 204. ̰ Ĺ Ǿ ֽϴ. You're not allowed to bring food in here. 205. ö Ծ. I brown‐bagged it today. 206. ؾ . I have to brush up on my English. 207. , ǰ. Don't bug me today! I'm tired. 208. ׳ Ű . She is built well. 209. ģ ̿ Ǵ Ѿ Ѵ. To preserve friendship, one must build walls. 210. ? May I bum a cigarette? 211. ƹ ϰ ִ ƿ. I'm burning the candle at both ends. 212. ƴ. I burned my boats behind me. 213. ̴. You butcher the English language. 214. ״ ٴ ˰ ִ. He knows which side his bread is buttered on. 215. ߸ . Stop buttering me up!. 216. 氪 . I bought the house for a song. 217. ٰ Ѿ ˾? I can't be bought. 218. . I didn't buy it. 219. ߾. I'm pretty buzzed. 220. . Buzz off. 221. ϼ. Do it by the book. 222. Կ 밡 dz±. You have bad breath. 223. ô. Let's have a ball! 224. 巷ϰ ־. I have buck teeth. 225. з ־. We've quite a backlog. 226. ȭ ӳ. I can barely hear you. 227. ϵַ ߾. I was trying to give you a boost. 228. Mr. Kim 츮 ؼ µ ߴٴ ƽ. It is a pity that Mr. Kim has resigned. He was very considerate to us. 229. ߸ ¤ ߸ ¤. It is not even close. 230. 峯̳. That is purely coincidental. 231. װ ƴѰ? It's just cold feet, isn't it? 232. ڴ ϰ IJϴ. She is calm, collected and meticulous. 233. ״ ϴ. He is chubby. 234. ȸ ̶. The coast is clear. 235. ġ ʿ . Don't be so conscious of others. 236. ´ ̾. I'm not cut out for this. 237. ʴ ̴. You're well connected. 238. ϵ ؾ ſ. I have to be careful what I do. 239. ϰ ϴ±. Our thoughts are compatible. 240. . Talk is cheap. 241. ȴ. Be careful what you wish for. 242. ϼ? What time is convenient for you? 243. , װ Ϳ ̳. Hey, that's catchy. 244. ˾Ƶ? Is that clear? 245. ġϱ. You're so corny. 246. Ư . It's custom‐made. 247. , ƽƽߴ. Whew! That was close. 248. ݸǾ ־. The kid is in a cocoon. 249. Ȱ ģ. He is a cheery party. 250. װ ְ ְ. It's the cream of the crop. 251. װ ƴϴ. That's not my cup of tea. 252. ״ ¥. He is quite a character. 253. ״ Ȱ ִ. He's in a continual slump. 254. ״ ̴̲. He is a clock watcher. 255. ϱ? What's the catch? 256. װ å ȸǶ . I think it's a cop‐out. 257. ġ д ̴. I'm a compulsive reader. 258. ִ ƴմϴ. It's not my call. 259. ʹ ̴. Your problem is that you're too critical. 260. ٸ Ӽ ִ! There's a catch! 261. ̼ ſ ð ⼼. Two's company, three's a crowd. 262. Ͻó? Who is your course instructor? 263. ε ϴ. It's the thought that counts. 264. ֿ ´´. That beer and peanuts are a bad combination. 265. ι Ʒ ϴ ſ. It's a civil defense drill. 266. Ƹ ´ ҽ ̹ ž. Chances are he has already heard the news. 267. ư! She is a chicken! 268. ϳ. This place is kind of creepy. 269. ó ̳ ٰ ֽϱ? Are there any clubs and bars around here? 270. ִ. There is some catch in this question. 271. ̰ 峭 ƴѵ. It's not child's play. 272. ̰ ̾. Here's your cut. 273. ÿ ̰ . There is a chip in this dish plate. 274. ? What's the catch to it? 275. ֳ? What's the catch? 276. ״ ƿ ູϴ. The man is on cloud nine. 277. Ʈ ±. You are always on my case. 278. μ . This writing is poorly constructed. 279. 翡 ֱ? Your head is up in the clouds, isn't it? 280. ޱ. Begging for a compliment. 281. . I guess you can call me that. 282. ʰ ǽø ȣ ϰڽϴ. When it's time for you to see the doctor, I'll call out your name. 283. ϴ. The pot calls the kettle black. 284. ȭ ɾ ˾ƺðھ? Do you want to call and find out? 285. ⼮ θڽϴ. I'll call the roll. 286. Ǫ. Calm your nerves. 287. ۳ ذ߾. You were canned last year. 288. ״ Ʋ ʾҾ. He must not have cared much for you. 289. Ƿ? Care for seconds? 290. . Who cares! 291. Ϳ Ű ʾƿ. I don't care about them. 292. Ư ϴ ̶ ֳ? Do you care for any particular food? 293. Ż Դϴ. I'll carry it on board myself. 294. Ȥ Ƽ? Do you happen to know which other bookstore may carry it? 295. Ѷ. You cash in your dreams! 296. ʴ´. The match will not catch. 297. ׳ ʸӷ . I just caught on by observing. 298. 㿡 и . I caught up on my sleep last night. 299. ߿ . Catch you later. 300. Ծ! I wouldn't be caught dead wearing something like that! 301. Ͼϴ. It caught me off guard. 302. ȸ Ǯ. We got caught off after a long time. 303. ȯ ħ ؿ. I cough a lot when the seasons change. 304. Բ ĿǸ ø鼭 Ȳ ؼ ̾߱⸦ ߽ϴ. We catch up on each other's lives over a cup of coffee. 305. ƸԱ ϰ ִ. Fierce competition has caused a price war. 306. ϱ. You haven't changed a bit. 307. ش. A leopard cannot change his spots. 308. ׳ Ƽ . She chaperoned her sister to the party. 309. ģ Ͱ ū Ư¡̾. He's characterized by his big ears. 310. ? How much do you charge? 311. Ƴ ٶ ǿ . I never cheat on my wife. 312. װ Ʈ ´ ˾ƺԿ. I'll check if he's finished working on the project. 313. ٽ ãƺɱ? Then when should I check back with you? 314. ð ñ մϴ. I need to check my bags for several hours. 315. ! Cheese it! 316. Ҹ . Please chew your gum quietly. 317. ͼ ǹ . Don't chicken out. 318. Ƽ . Let's chip in and buy her a present. 319. . Let's choose sides for the game. 320. ̸̿ ȫġ! Other things being equal, choose the better one. 321. δī ʸ Ҵ. I was christened Veronica. 322. ̾ Źմϴ. I'm sorry, but could you clean up after me? 323. 츰 ¾ƿ. We click very well together. 324. ȭ Ⱑ . The toilet bowl is clogged. 325. ϴ ھƳ ִ. When God closes the door, somewhere he leaves a window open. 326. ±. You coined the word. 327. 츮 ü ̴ϴ. We'll collar him. 328. 3 30뿡 ְھ? Could you come over about three‐thirty for us? 329. ̰ ϰ Կ. I'll come after I finish what I'm doing. 330. ׳ . Her mind comes off and on. 331. ״ ü ƿ. He's got money coming out his ears. 332. ״ Ÿعȴ. He gradually came down in the world. 333. ݰ굵 İ. In any situation, eating comes first. 334. ļ Ŷ . I've heard that they will be coming out with a sequel next year. 335. . I wrote what came to mind. 336. ߿ . I'll come to that later. 337. ϰ ö ִ. One of my wisdom teeth is coming in. 338. ħ . Curses, like chickens, come home to roost. 339. ٸ . ű Դϴ. Look at the other pictures. I came out pretty well in those. 340. ִٰ , ٰ ִ . Money comes and goes. 341. Ƕ. I don't care how it comes to an end. 342. Ѳ . We won't know until the results come out. 343. ̾. Everything is coming up roses. 344. ſ ϰ ž. It will come in very handy. 345. Ǵ ? What comes out fast? 346. 浵 ö ٵ. I hope we come up with something. 347. ϴ±! You're coming out! 348. 絷 ϳ. You guys come from the same batch. 349. ǹ . The seam has come undone. 350. ϰ ¢. You came down pretty hard on me yesterday. 351. ϳ ʾҴ. None of the photographs I took yesterday came out. 352. ° ˴ϱ? How comes it? 353. , ֽñ ٶϴ. Everyone, please come to order. 354. ؼ, Ź̾. Come on, for old time's sake. 355. ļ ϰڽϴ. I can't come in to work today because I'm sick. 356. 츮 Ծ. We came here on a field trip. 357. ϸ ġ. Stardom comes with a price tag. 358. ⸦ Ӱ غϼ̱ ٶϴ. I hope you came through this storm okay. 359. ̷ ȸ Ѱ? Opportunities like this don't come often. 360. ˾Ƶ±. Now you know where I'm coming from. 361. ̳. You've come a long way. 362. ε ϼż ڸ ּ. Please come and give life to the event. 363. °? Where do you come in your family? 364. . Can't complain. 365. տ ʾƿ. I can't concentrate on my work. 366. Ѵ . Concentrate on what you're doing. 367. dz ϵ ϳ. You act like it doesn't concern you. 368. Ϸ ȭߴ . Ask him what the call is concerning. 369. ڳ ϰ. Consult your own convenience in the matter. 370. Ҵ. I couldn't control my muscle. 371. ٷȴ. I cooled my heels. 372. ü Ŷ. Cool your coppers. 373. ּ̾. Copy these negatives according to the number of people, please. 374. 뷡 ֽðھ? Could you copy the song for me? 375. ߴٰ ϼ. Consider yourself lucky, it could have been worse. 376. 3 ϴ ֳ? What do you have that costs three dollars? 377. ٵ. That car would cost you a fortune. 378. õ 鿴. My business cost me a great fortune. 379. 躸 ũ. The postage costs more than the goods. 380. ŭ ϴ±. It's as good as it costs. 381. û ſ. It will cost you an arm and a leg. 382. ؾ. We should count our blessings. 383. Ѻ Ѻ մϴ. Every customer counts. 384. ִ? How high can you count? 385. ο ô. Let's count noses. 386. Ƽ ». Every little bit counts. 387. ǵ ʴ. I don't want to cover up my tracks. 388. 並 θ. Make sure you cover yourself with the blanket. 389. ٴ . My tongue's covered in a rash. 390. ״ . He always cracks me up. 391. ״ ġ θ ϰ ִ. He's cramming for his exam. 392. ڵ dz? Can I crash at your place tonight? 393. ״ Ҷ ǿϴ. He created a diversion. 394. ֽ ? Cross your fingers for me, will you? 395. 䱸ߴ. They cried halves for it. 396. ʿѵ? What are you crying for? 397. ָ ص ʰڴ. You've cried wolf too many times. 398. ׳ ̿. She is cut out to be a teacher. 399. ? . Cut what out? Let me finish! 400. м ´ Ȱ ض. Cut your coat according to your cloth. 401. ױ ƴϸ ġ ο. Cut each other's throat. 402. Ҹ ġ! Cut the crap! 403. սô. Let's cut the red tape. 404. . He has cool cheek. 405. ǫ . He has a crush on me. 406. ״ ̸ ѷϰ . He has clear‐cut features. 407. ٸ . I have a cramp in my leg. 408. ġ ֽϴ. You have two cavities. 409. ־. However, I have one condition. 410. ߾. The truth is, I've had a little cosmetic surgery. 411. ̾. I don't have a clue. 412. 츮 Ǽ ȭ ִ ʾƿ? Don't you think we're having a constructive conversation? 413. ̽. To have the right chemistry. 414. ſ ̰ . This cup has a chip. 415. ƿ! Keep your chin up! 416. . Convince me. 417. Ϸ Ѵ. They are trying to corner the market. 418. . He is no different. 419. ߸ õϷ̴. It's downright monotonous. 420. ĮĮؿ. My throat is dry. 421. õ ű ־! ϰڳ. That's doable! 422. ̴ Today's discomfort index is very high. 423. ̰ 1ȸԴϴ. This is disposable. 424. ̰ ǵ帮 ƹ ? Will everything be okay as long as I do not disturb that? 425. ۿ ± . I'm in the doghouse with my wife since I stayed out last night. 426. 츮 ȸ Դϴ. Our company is in the middle of downsizing. 427. ״ ⺻ ϰ ʴ´. He's basically a decent person, but we're not compatible. 428. ״ ɼ̾. He's a dog in the manger. 429. Ҿ. Those were the days. 430. ̹ ̾. There is nothing you can do about it. 431. Ѿ Դϴ! It's been one disaster after another! 432. Դ ̾. Math is death on people like me. 433. ġ. A diamond on a dunghill is still a diamond. 434. ǿ . There is dandruff on your jacket. 435. , ߾. It's a date. 436. ƿ, Դϴ. It's a deal. 437. ? When is her baby due? 438. Ϸ翴! What a day today was! 439. ̻ ʿ䰡 . You're beating a dead horse. 440. ! I'll be damned! 441. ׳ ٸ ͵ , 㵵 ߾. She danced very well, to say the least. 442. װ Ա. Dealing with it is a breeze. 443. , ȥ ! Deal him hard measure! 444. . Let's decide by rock, scissors, paper. 445. Դ Ǿ. His military service was deferred until he finished college. 446. ؾ Ѵ. We must delay our journey until the weather improves. 447. Ⲩ ڼ. I shall be delighted to come. 448. ÷. You must deliver. 449. ƸƮ Ź ϰ ־. I am delivering newspapers as a part time job. 450. 츮 ġ ƿ. My boss demands a lot from me. 451. ƺ Ҹ . Don't be so depressing. 452. ״ £ ٸ Ҿ. The war deprived him of the lower limbs. 453. θ ̶ ϼ, ƴϸ ̶ ϼ? Would you describe yourself as outgoing or more reserved? 454. ׳ а ô ؿ. She deserves cold eyes for a while. 455. ְڳ. It deserves what she does! 456. ÷ ƴٰ ? You don't think that I deserve a raise by now? 457. ؿ. I don't deserve you. 458. ü ̷ ƾ ϳ? What did I do to deserve that? 459. Ѱ ٸ ´. One good turn deserves another. 460. ̿. I despise the emotional stuff. 461. ʸ ϴ ð ɸϱ? How quickly can you develop this film? 462. 븧 ؼ ȵȴ. Don't dice away your fortune. 463. . The good die young. 464. ڴ? Old habits die hard. 465. ״ . I die, I die. 466. âؼ ״ ˾Ҿ. I thought I'd die of embarrassment. 467. ڴ . She always digs her heels in. 468. װ . I really dig it. 469. θ ! Dig into your studies! 470. ֱ. He is digressing again. 471. װ ƿ. Don't be discouraged by it. 472. Ʈ . Ditch your class and go to a disco with me. 473. ڸ ǰڴ. The box will do for a seat. 474. ƴ. That should do it. 475. װ عؿ. It will only do you harm. 476. ״ ָԱ Ѵ. He does his work catch‐as‐catch‐can. 477. 鵵 ¥ ϴ ƴϴ. They don't do it for nothing. 478. ϸ Ѵ. Steady does it! 479. ϸ ! Do it or else! 480. ü ϴ ? What can't you do? 481. װ ֳ? How could you do that to me? 482. ּż մϴ. I appreciate everything you've done for me. 483. ߸ ! Do up your coat! 484. ݾ. What can we do? 485. ׳ Ȯ . Her cosmetic surgery really did something for her. 486. ŭ Ҵ. That does it. 487. öϰ ϴ ? Why don't you do up brown? 488. ? Doing okay? 489. 츮 ̴ϴ. We were done in that time. 490. ̸ϸ ༮ ¦ ϰڴ. That will do his business. 491. , ƴ. There, that's done! 492. ؼ ϶. Easy does it. 493. ص ص . A woman's work is never done. 494. ڴ. I could do with a drink. 495. ε ٻϰ Ծ? What are you all dolled up for? 496. ״ ϱ 1 2 . He doubles as my works. 497. 帱? Should I double‐bag it? 498. ͳ ̾߱սô. Let your hair down. 499. ƾ մϱ? How much down? 500. ξƹŸ. Ten hours of work down the drain! 501. ̳ . The seminar dragged on and on. 502. ״ ŵξ. He drew his last breath. 503. 췯. This tea draws well. 504. ̱ . Let's draw to see who goes first. 505. ذ ִ. The year is drawing to a close. 506. ̰ ΰ, ΰ? Am I dreaming or am I awake? 507. ѹ . Let's drink the night away. 508. ô±. You drive a hard bargain. 509. ״ 2Ÿ 2Ÿ ƴ. He drove in two runs with a double. 510. ٰ ܾ. Stop driving me batty. 511. ༮ ϳ ָ ȴ. Drop a hint, and he will understand everything. 512. ƺ ּ̾. My dad dropped me off here. 513. ٹ ʾҽϴ. My jaw dropped. 514. ߰ ؾ մϴ. You should drop a class before midterm. 515. ȸ ! Don't duck the question! 516. 5 ģ . I was dumped by my girlfriend of five years. 517. Ͽ ƿ. Stop dwelling on the little things. 518. 1ȸ ֳ? Can I have a disposable paper cup? 519. װ س. I have dibs on this. 520. װ ϼ̴. It has a double advantage. 521. 豺 ǥ ̾. Mr. Kim has a dead pan always. 522. ϱ ҰԿ. I hope you have an easy delivery. 523. ּ. Can I have a doggy bag? 524. ȸ â ֽϱ? Do you have any disposable bandages? 525. , . Meet me in your dreams. 526. ̻ ڴ! Enough is enough! 527. Ӵ. It's easy to miss what is in front of you. 528. ̾ϸ پ? Sorry isn't enough. 529. װ Ȯ . Those red frames are really eye‐catching! 530. ձ۵ձϴ. She is easygoing. 531. Ȯմϴ. The service here is exceptional. 532. 谡 Ұ ƿ. These days life isn't easy for those in the oil business. 533. Ҽ ó ϰ Ѵ. The novel is entire in tone. 534. ƹų Խϴ. Whatever, I'm easy to please. 535. Դϴ. We're even. 536. ϴ. He's been everywhere. 537. ׳ ó. She is my ex. 538. ״ Ӵ´. He is an easy mark. 539. úҰ̿. Something is an eyesore. 540. ڶ ̴. There aren't enough hours in the day. 541. ʴ α. You're everything they say you are. 542. . Sleeping in is not an excuse for being late. 543. ġ ġ ݾƿ. Either way, the result is the same. 544. ϴ . There is no electricity. 545. տ ϴ ̴. I'm on the edge of my seat. 546. ¦ ϰھ. I'm up to my ears in work. 547. 䰪 ϰ ? Are you earning your keep? 548. տ ڴ. I'll eat my hat. 549. ʹ Ϳ ְ ;. He is so cute that I want to eat him up. 550. ƿ. Don't eat between meals. 551. ʽÿ. Eat up! 552. 簡 ̻ . You could eat off the floor. 553. ִ? What's eating you? 554. ڴ ĻĻϴ. This cake eats short. 555. ߸ ؾ . You have to eat crow if you are wrong. 556. ̰ ̾? I'm so embarrassed. 557. 糪. It's embarrassing to watch. 558. ٰ ū Ŀ. You'll end up embarrassing yourself. 559. 츮 ȭȣ ȯϰ Ǿ. We ended up swapping our telephone numbers. 560. ̷ ְ Ծ Ƴ. I haven't enjoyed food like this in a long time. 561. Ծϴ. I really enjoyed the meal. 562. ٴ . I'm just exaggerating a bit. 563. å 뺸 ξ Ҵ. The book exceeded my expectations. 564. ƿ? What are you so excited about? 565. ŵ ϴ. You're excused. 566. ϴ. Nothing can excuse this. 567. ƿ÷ ð ̻ ɸ ϴ. He's not expected to be in for at least another hour or so. 568. ˸ ϱ. That explains it. 569. ƿ. Stop eyeing my ring. 570. ׳ ǿ ˾. She has an ear for music. 571. ״ ۿ . He has nothing in his pocket except money. 572. ڽ ϰ . His manners are too familiar. 573. Ҹ ñ ؿ. A voice like that is few and far between. 574. ġ̵ ô±. You're very good at telling fibs. 575. θԲ ǹ . Don't be fresh to your parents. 576. û á. The class is full. 577. Ƽ ſ. I'm afraid I'm not fit to do that. 578. ļ ٷο ̿. I am very fussy about foods. 579. ȭ . It's so frustrating. 580. ȭ . The screen is fuzzy. 581. ߴ. I'm home free. 582. з ִ. He is far back on his rent. 583. ʳ ξƹŸ. All the pains were for nothing. 584. ʾ. Crying is not for me. 585. ã ٰ ּ. If it's for me, say I'm not here. 586. ģ ٴ . That's what friends are for. 587. ü ʴ´. He's from Missouri. 588. Ⱑ ٰԴ. The fat is in the fire. 589. ô ̳. It's like drinking flat beer. 590. ̰ . This is a foolproof plan! 591. Ƽ Ϻ ̾. The party was a fiasco. 592. װ ̴. It's a fixed game. 593. װ ̾. It was a fault on the right side. 594. κ ģ. Most of those are just fair weather friends. 595. ¥ . There's no free lunch in this world. 596. θ ڿ. There are a lot of fish in the sea. 597. Ƽα. It's a fly in the ointment. 598. ϱ⿹ ϴ? What was the forecast? 599. ''ڸ ڷ մϴ. From my family and my generation, Su is the fixed name. 600. Żǽ Դϱ? Where's the fitting room?

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