



::: ڷ :::

320 17 ī     --+
Name   ȸ
̵忡 ̳ ´ٴ  ܰǥ 6oo
vonchio ѱ ۼ
NOV 18, 2015 / 666537 VIEWS / 19
̱ ܰǥ 600
001.   б ⸻ þ? Did you ace your finals last semester?
002.  𸶵 Ŵ. I'm aching in the joints.
003.   . My body aches all over.
004.   ׸ . Stop acting coy.
005.  ҳ äմϱ? Are you adding fuel to the fire?
006.  ѱ ¾ڸ ̿. Koreans add a year as soon as babies are born.
007.  ״ óؾ߸ Ѵ. He must address the problem.
008.  츮 ݿϱ Ͽ. We adjourned the meeting until next Friday.
009.  ϼž մϴ. I advise you to be cautious.
010.   ܿ Ÿ. Winter affects me a lot.
011.  ׸ ð . I could not afford the time.
012.  µ ¥ ̰ . They agree like cats and dogs.
013.   ⸦ Խϴ. Beef doesn't agree with me.
014.   ٻ޴ϴ. I'm in a situation that doesn't allow me a moment to blink.
015.   ϰڽϴ. Allow me.
016.  Ȳ ϰ ̴. Circumstances alter cases.
017.   ¥ . You're very annoying.
018.  ״ ش ʴ´. It doesn't apply to you.
019.   ϴ. There is no arranged seating.
020.  ð մ . Few guests arrived on time.
021.   ڽ ͱ. He asked for it.
022.   ʹ ǰ? Am I asking for too much?
023.  ٸ ׵ ˾ƺ ׷? Why don't you ask someone else?
024.   ܵ ô. I asked him point‐blank.
025.   Ǵٴ... Ask for troubles.
026.  Ѱ¤ . Don't assume too much.
027.  ״ ô ϰ ־. He assumed to be deaf.
028.  ׳ Ǽ ٳ. I attended half‐heartedly.
029.   п ٴϽʴϱ? Which college are you attending?
030.   ׷ 弼? What is so attractive about her?
031.   ûص ǰڽϱ? Can I audit your class?
032.   Դϱ? How old do you think I am?
033.   ߵ ±! What a good talker you are!
034.   躸 . Who do you think I am?
035.   ģ ? You are still between girls, right?
036.  ִ ״ ʸ . I love you just the way you are.
037.   ġ. He is accident‐prone.
038.   ٳ. He is absent‐minded.
039.   ȭ ޾ ? Were you half asleep when you picked up the phone?
040.  ܹ . The sample is ample.
041.  ޸ ƿ. The aftertaste is bad.
042.  Ƹ Լ ſ. It will probably be a bit awkward.
043.  ޼ ʾƿ?  Isn't it awkward writing with your left hand?
044.   ˷Ⱑ ־. I'm allergic to peaches.
045.  Һε˴ϱ? Is financing available?
046.  ׷ . It's about time.
047.   . Everything is all abroad.
048.  ״ б 2 迹. He is two years ahead of me in school.
049.  ׳డ ָ ƴϾ ڳ׿. I hope she's still around.
050.  ״ ƿ. He has been around.
051.   ʾҳ. The job interview is just around the corner.
052.   ࿡ ٴϱ. It's never around when you need it.
053.  ʰƿ. It's as good as new.
054.   ⻵ϴ. She was as pleased as punch.
055.   Į ٴϱ! She is as sharp as a razor!
056.  װ Ѱ迹. That's as far as you can go.
057.   ̱. You're as stubborn as a mule.
058.  ⸸ŭ ׸ ʾƿ. It's not as bad as it seems.
059.   ŭ ϴ±. It's as good as it costs.
060.   Ա ̴. The world is as you take it.      
061.  ҹ ߾. It wasn't as good as it was made out to be.
062.   ؿ. I'm as sober as I can be.
063.  ܸ𺸴 ߿ϴ. Handsome is as handsome does.
064.   ڴ  ϴ. She is at home in French.
065.  ״  ɼɶϴ. He's terribly at home in English.
066.   ̴. He is at large.
067.  ʴ ó . You seem to be at everything.
068.   Ѹ ֽʽÿ. I am at your service.
069.   񿡴 䳢 ̶. When the cat's away, the mice will play.
070.  ϴ ִ 󿡼 ϳ. Being away from
0someone you love is one of the hardest things in the world.
071.   ִ 鿡 ȭ ־ ٵ. I wish I could
have called my family more often while I was away from home.
072.  ߰ Ͻô ̴ϱ? Is this in addition?
073.   ̿. He's all mouth.
074.  װ װ ƴϴ! That's my affair!
075.  װ . That's another pair of shoes.
076.  װ 񱳰 . That's apples and oranges.
077.  װ 츮 ī. It's our ace in the hole.
078.  ״ ľ ִ ̴. He is an amusing old party.
079.   ʳ׿. I feel as if their hardship is mine.
080.  Ǯ̰ ־. There is a small party afterwards.
081.   °ڴ°? What's the angle?
082.  츮 ۿ . My brother and I are only a year apart.
083.  ̰ . This is anything but good.
084.   ּ. May I have your autograph?
085.  ġ ʹ ؿ. I have such an awful toothache.
086.   ټ Ǿ. The ayes have it.
087.   ª ƾ ȴ. It's hard to tell the difference only by theirappearances.
088.   λ ޾ҳ? Who won the life‐time achievement award this year?
089.   糪 Ϸ . Now back to the grind.
090.   ־ ʰھ. I'm not going to back down.
091.  뿡 ߳ ̴ϴ. It won't backfire.
092.   ģ ѱ 賶 ϰ ־. My friend is backpacking around Korea.
093.   ƾ. I'm back‐stabbed by John.
094.   ! ؾ Ѵ . Bag it! I'm trying to concentrate.
095.   ٸ¤. You barked up the wrong tree again.
096.  忡 ȣ . I was bawled out by the boss.
097.   ÿ ´ٰ ׷? What time did he say he would be here?
098.  10 ε Դϴ. Being a teenager is tough enough.
099.  δ 糪 ˰ ̿. His bark is worse than his bite.
100.  ̵ ִ ִ. All things in their being are good for something.
101.  ״ ϴ. He is buff.
102.  ״ ռϴ. He is full of beans.
103.   . This is breathtaking.
104.   ׷ ƴϾ. I wasn't born yesterday.
105.   ڿ Ѻ . I am right behind you.
106.  ʴ ʹ . Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.
107.   ѱ þ. Your Korean is much better now.
108.  ٸ ε dzʶ. Second thoughts are best.
109.  ɼθ ٺ ˾ƺ. As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.
110.   ϴ. Many people are homeward bound.
111.   ̻ ھ. I'm too breathless to go any farther.
112.   𿹿. This is better than nothing.
113.  ̰ ǰ? Is it biodegradable?
114.   ƿ. That's much better.
115.   ٳðԿ. I'll be right back.
116.   ָ ص Ͼ. Even if it were true, I still wouldn't believe you.
117.  ¾ ϴ . No one is good from the beginning.
118.  ణ ġ ̱ ϴ. It's a little bit below the belt.
119.   ȹ ϴ. His plan is beyond challenge.
120.  ״ £ ־. He is in the back of the pack.
121.   Ȱ̴. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
122.   Դϱ? What breed is it?
123.  K Ź ̾. Mr. K is a big buyer.
124.   ׸ ? Can't you just stop being a bull in a china shop?
125.  ȭ ׻ ȴ. A horror movie is always good box office.
126.   ٵƾ. He's a basket‐case.
127.  װ ̴. That's no bottle.
128.  װ ̴. That's no way to behave.
129.  ׷, غ. OK! You are the boss.
130.  ׷ ̸ µ. There's no one here by that name.
131.   Ϸ ȳ 帮ڽϴ. I'm your buddy for the day.
132.   ٷ⿹. I'm the black sheep of the family.
133.   ȭ̾. I am a big‐time movie buff.
134.  ڴ ϱ ̴. Behind every great man, there is a great woman.
135.   ̾. You bet I do!
136.  װ ⿡ ܾ. That's a very big word for you.
137.   ̾. It's all because of you.
138.   ͸. You're stone broke.
139.   Դϴ. It is a big blow.
140.   ! It's all bunk!
141.   ȵ. It's baloney.
142.  ʸ ϴ. The beaten road is the safest.
143.   ׷ ̴ϴ. That's the way the ball bounces.
144.   Ա⿴. That was a no‐brainer.
145.  ˸̰ ݾƿ? Where's the beef?
146.   ̷, ? What's the big idea?
147.  ̰ ȭ 𸥴. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise.
148.  ܰ ? What's my balance?
149.   . It's a good buy.
150.   ÿϴ. It's kind of a bittersweet thing.
151.   ׸ ΰڳ. The bet's off.
152.  ״ ſ Ȯϴ. He's on the beam.
153.   Կ . I'm on the teacher's bad side.
154.   ż. You're on the back burner now.
155.  ߵ . Your butt is on fire.
156.   ƾ. He is round the bend.    
157.   汸. Born in a barn.
158.  ȴ ͺ . It beats walking.
159.  ׵ ̱ ٸ ׵ ƶ. If you can't beat them, join them.
160.   . Beats me.
161.   ݺ . You can't beat the price.
162.  ̸ ܵ ! Stop beating around the bush.
163.   ѱ Ǽ̱. You have become Koreanized.
164.   ´. Charity begins at home.
165.   ΰ Ż ׷ ? How can he be human and behave that way?
166.  ̰ Ȳϳ. I can't believe it.
167.   ׷. You bet your life.
168.  ܼ ϸ Ҵ . Fast bind, fast find.
169.   ƴϾ. I won't bite you.
170.  ̴ Ծ Ѵ. He bit off more than he can chew.
171.  ڶ󺸰 ܶѲ . Once bitten, twice shy.
172.   θ ۾ƾ ? Whose else should I be polishing?
173.   å ƴϾ. I don't blame you.
174.  ƴ, ̷ ! God bless the mark!
175.   ̴. It will soon blow over.
176.  ״ û ȭ ̴ϴ. He'll blow his top.
177.   Ҹ ! Stop blowing your own horn!
178.   ׸ġ . Don't blow it.
179.  ȭ . Don't blow your own trumpet.
180.  ᱹ ſ? What does it all boil down to?
181.  Ҽ ư. A watched pot never boils.
182.  ӱ. I borrow from Peter to pay Paul.
183.   ̷ . Don't boss me around.
184.  ʹ Ű澲 ! Don't let it bother you.
185.   ! Bottle it!
186.   ġƱ ϰ ֽϴ. I have braces on my teeth.
187.   . Let's break the mold.
188.  ״ η 기. He breaks out in a cold sweat.
189.   ̾. I'm damn broke.
190.   ϸ ޾. Who breaks pays.
191.   . All hell broke loose.
192.  ⸦ Į . Break a fly on the wheel.
193.   شٱ. Taxes are breaking our backs.
194.   ִ. This car is well broken in.
195.   . Jane broke Tom's heart when she left him.
196.  Ÿ õ ¿ ٴϱ. What is bred in the bone will come out in the flesh.
197.   ԰ ڶ. I was breast‐fed as a child.
198.   . Don't even bring that up.
199.  ģ ּ. Please bring me up to speed.
200.   ? Who brings home the bacon?
201.   ݾƿ. You brought it up first.
202.   . Bring yourself.
203.   ȴ ڳ׿. I'd better bring in the laundry.
204.  ̰ Ĺ Ǿ ֽϴ. You're not allowed to bring food in here.
205.   ö Ծ. I brown‐bagged it today.
206.    ؾ . I have to brush up on my English.
207.   , ǰ. Don't bug me today! I'm tired.
208.  ׳ Ű . She is built well.
209.  ģ ̿ Ǵ Ѿ Ѵ. To preserve friendship, one must build walls.
210.   ? May I bum a cigarette?
211.   ƹ ϰ ִ ƿ. I'm burning the candle at both ends.
212.   ƴ. I burned my boats behind me.
213.    ̴. You butcher the English language.
214.  ״ ٴ ˰ ִ. He knows which side his bread is buttered
215.  ߸ ׸ . Stop buttering me up!.
216.   氪 . I bought the house for a song.
217.  ׷ٰ Ѿ ˾? I can't be bought.
218.   . I didn't buy it.
219.   ߾. I'm pretty buzzed.
220.   . Buzz off.
221.   ϼ. Do it by the book.
222.  Կ 밡 dz±. You have bad breath.
223.   ô. Let's have a ball!
224.  巷ϰ ־. I have buck teeth.
225.   з ־. We've quite a backlog.
226.  ȭ ӳ׿. I can barely hear you.
227.   ϵַ ߾. I was trying to give you a boost.
228.  Mr. Kim 츮 ؼ µ ߴٴ ƽ. It is a pity that Mr.
Kim has resigned. He was very considerate to us.
229.  ߸ ¤ ߸ ¤. It is not even close.
230.   峯̳׿. That is purely coincidental.
231.  װ ƴѰ? It's just cold feet, isn't it?
232.   ڴ ϰ IJϴ. She is calm, collected and meticulous.
233.  ״ ϴ. He is chubby.
234.  ȸ ̶. The coast is clear.
235.   ġ ʿ . Don't be so conscious of others.
236.   ´ ̾. I'm not cut out for this.
237.  ʴ ̴. You're well connected.
238.   ϵ ؾ ſ. I have to be careful what I do.
239.  ϰ ϴ±. Our thoughts are compatible.
240.   . Talk is cheap.
241.   ȴ. Be careful what you wish for.
242.   ϼ? What time is convenient for you?
243.  , װ Ϳ ̳. Hey, that's catchy.
244.  ˾Ƶ? Is that clear?
245.  ġϱ. You're so corny.
246.  Ư . It's custom‐made.
247.  , ƽƽߴ. Whew! That was close.
248.   ݸǾ ־. The kid is in a cocoon.
249.   Ȱ ģ. He is a cheery party.
250.  װ ְ ְ. It's the cream of the crop.
251.  װ ƴϴ. That's not my cup of tea.
252.  ״ ¥. He is quite a character.
253.  ״ Ȱ ִ. He's in a continual slump.
254.  ״ ̴̲. He is a clock watcher.
255.  ׷ ϱ? What's the catch?
256.   װ å ȸǶ . I think it's a cop‐out.
257.   ġ д ̴. I'm a compulsive reader.
258.   ִ ƴմϴ. It's not my call.
259.   ʹ ̴. Your problem is that you're too critical.
260.  ٸ Ӽ ִ! There's a catch!
261.   ̼ ſ ð ⼼. Two's company, three's a crowd.
262.   Ͻó? Who is your course instructor?
263.  ε ϴ. It's the thought that counts.
264.  ֿ ´´. That beer and peanuts are a bad combination.
265.  ι Ʒ ϴ ſ. It's a civil defense drill.
266.  Ƹ ´ ҽ ̹ ž. Chances are he has already heard the news.
267.   ư! She is a chicken!
268.   ϳ׿. This place is kind of creepy.
269.   ó ̳ ٰ ֽϱ? Are there any clubs and bars around here?
270.   ִ. There is some catch in this question.
271.  ̰ 峭 ƴѵ. It's not child's play.
272.  ̰ ̾. Here's your cut.
273.  ÿ ̰ . There is a chip in this dish plate.
274.   ? What's the catch to it?
275.   ֳ? What's the catch?
276.  ״ ƿ ູϴ. The man is on cloud nine.
277.   Ʈ ±. You are always on my case.
278.   μ . This writing is poorly constructed.
279.   翡 ֱ? Your head is up in the clouds, isn't it?
280.   ޱ. Begging for a compliment.
281.  ׷ ׷׿. I guess you can call me that.
282.   ʰ ǽø ȣ ϰڽϴ. When it's time for you to see the doctor, I'll
call out your name.
283.   ϴ. The pot calls the kettle black.
284.  ȭ ɾ ˾ƺðھ? Do you want to call and find out?
285.  ⼮ θڽϴ. I'll call the roll.
286.   Ǫ. Calm your nerves.
287.   ۳⿡ ذ߾. You were canned last year.
288.  ״ Ʋ ׸ ʾҾ. He must not have cared much for you.
289.   Ƿ? Care for seconds?
290.   . Who cares!
291.   ׷ Ϳ Ű ʾƿ. I don't care about them.
292.  Ư ϴ ̶ ֳ?  Do you care for any particular food?
293.  ⿡ Ż Դϴ. I'll carry it on board myself.
294.  Ȥ Ƽ? Do you happen to know which other bookstore may
carry it?
295.   Ѷ. You cash in your dreams!
296.   ʴ´. The match will not catch.
297.  ׳ ʸӷ . I just caught on by observing.
298.  㿡 и . I caught up on my sleep last night.    
299.  ߿ . Catch you later.
300.   ׷ ׾ Ծ! I wouldn't be caught dead wearing something like that!
301.   Ͼϴ. It caught me off guard.
302.   ȸ Ǯ. We got caught off after a long time.
303.   ȯ⿡ ħ ؿ. I cough a lot when the seasons change.
304.  Բ ĿǸ ø鼭 Ȳ ؼ ̾߱⸦ ߽ϴ. We catch up on each
other's lives over a cup of coffee.
305.   ƸԱ ϰ ִ. Fierce competition has caused a
price war.
306.   ϱ. You haven't changed a bit.
307.   ش. A leopard cannot change his spots.
308.  ׳ Ƽ . She chaperoned her sister to the party.
309.   ģ Ͱ ū Ư¡̾. He's characterized by his big ears.
310.  ? How much do you charge?
311.   Ƴ ٶ ǿ . I never cheat on my wife.
312.  װ Ʈ ´ ˾ƺԿ. I'll check if he's finished working on the project.
313.  ׷ ٽ ãƺɱ? Then when should I check back with you?
314.   ð ñ մϴ. I need to check my bags for several hours.
315.  ׸! Cheese it!
316.   Ҹ . Please chew your gum quietly.
317.   ͼ ǹ . Don't chicken out.
318.   Ƽ . Let's chip in and buy her a present.
319.   . Let's choose sides for the game.
320.  ̸̿ ȫġ! Other things being equal, choose the better one.
321.   δī ʸ ޾Ҵ. I was christened Veronica.
322.  ̾ Źմϴ. I'm sorry, but could you clean up after me?
323.  츰 ¾ƿ. We click very well together.
324.  ȭ Ⱑ . The toilet bowl is clogged.
325.  ϴ ھƳ ִ. When God closes the door, somewhere he leaves a
window open.
326.    ±. You coined the word.
327.  츮 ׸ ü ̴ϴ. We'll collar him.
328.  3 30뿡 ְھ?  Could you come over about three‐thirty for us?
329.  ̰ ϰ Կ. I'll come after I finish what I'm doing.
330.  ׳ . Her mind comes off and on.
331.  ״ ü ƿ. He's got money coming out his ears.
332.  ״ Ÿعȴ. He gradually came down in the world.
333.  ݰ굵 İ. In any situation, eating comes first.
334.   ׵ ⿡ ļ Ŷ . I've heard that they will be coming
out with a sequel next year.
335.   . I wrote what came to mind.
336.   ߿ . I'll come to that later.
337.  ϰ ö ִ. One of my wisdom teeth is coming in.
338.   ħ . Curses, like chickens, come home to roost.
339.  ٸ . ű Դϴ. Look at the other pictures. I came
out pretty well in those.
340.   ִٰ , ٰ ִ . Money comes and goes.
341.   Ƕ. I don't care how it comes to an end.
342.  Ѳ . We won't know until the results come out.
343.  ̾. Everything is coming up roses.
344.  ſ ϰ ž. It will come in very handy.
345.   Ǵ ? What comes out fast?
346.   浵 ö ٵ. I hope we come up with something.
347.   ϴ±! You're coming out!
348.  絷 ϳ. You guys come from the same batch.
349.  ǹ . The seam has come undone.
350.   ϰ ¢. You came down pretty hard on me yesterday.
351.   ϳ ʾҴ. None of the photographs I took yesterday
came out.
352.  ° ׷ ˴ϱ? How comes it?
353.  , ֽñ ٶϴ. Everyone, please come to order.
354.   ؼ, Ź̾. Come on, for old time's sake.
355.   ļ ϰڽϴ. I can't come in to work today because I'm sick.
356.  츮 Ծ. We came here on a field trip.
357.  ϸ ġ. Stardom comes with a price tag.
358.  ⸦ Ӱ غϼ̱ ٶϴ. I hope you came through this storm okay.
359.  ̷ ȸ Ѱ? Opportunities like this don't come often.
360.   ˾Ƶ±. Now you know where I'm coming from.
361.   ̳׿. You've come a long way.
362.  ε ϼż ڸ ּ. Please come and give life to the event.
363.   °? Where do you come in your family?
364.   . Can't complain.
365.   տ ʾƿ. I can't concentrate on my work.
366.  Ѵ . Concentrate on what you're doing.
367.   dz ϵ ϳ׿. You act like it doesn't concern you.
368.   Ϸ ȭߴ . Ask him what the call is concerning.
369.   ڳ ϰ. Consult your own convenience in the matter.
370.   Ҵ. I couldn't control my muscle.
371.   ٷȴ. I cooled my heels.
372.   ü Ŷ. Cool your coppers.
373.   ּ̾.  Copy these negatives according to the number of people,
374.   뷡 ֽðھ? Could you copy the song for me?
375.  ׶ߴٰ ϼ. Consider yourself lucky, it could have been worse.
376.  3޷ ϴ  ֳ? What do you have that costs three dollars?
377.   ٵ. That car would cost you a fortune.
378.   õ 鿴. My business cost me a great fortune.
379.  躸 ũ. The postage costs more than the goods.
380.   ŭ ϴ±. It's as good as it costs.
381.  û ſ. It will cost you an arm and a leg.
382.  ؾ. We should count our blessings.
383.   Ѻ Ѻ մϴ. Every customer counts.
384.   ִ? How high can you count?
385.  ο ô. Let's count noses.
386.  Ƽ ». Every little bit counts.
387.   ǵ ʴ. I don't want to cover up my tracks.
388.  並 θ. Make sure you cover yourself with the blanket.
389.   ٴ . My tongue's covered in a rash.  
390.  ״ . He always cracks me up.
391.  ״ ġ θ ϰ ִ. He's cramming for his exam.
392.   ڵ dz? Can I crash at your place tonight?
393.  ״ Ҷ ǿϴ. He created a diversion.
394.   ⵵ ֽ ? Cross your fingers for me, will you?
395.  ׵ 䱸ߴ. They cried halves for it.
396.   ׷ ʿѵ? What are you crying for?
397.   ָ ص ʰڴ. You've cried wolf too many times.
398.  ׳ ̿. She is cut out to be a teacher.
399.   ׸? . Cut what out? Let me finish!
400.  м ´ Ȱ ض. Cut your coat according to your cloth.
401.  ױ ƴϸ ġ ο. Cut each other's throat.
402.  Ҹ ġ! Cut the crap!
403.   սô. Let's cut the red tape.
404.   . He has cool cheek.
405.   ǫ . He has a crush on me.
406.  ״ ̸񱸺 ѷϰ . He has clear‐cut features.
407.  ٸ . I have a cramp in my leg.
408.  ġ ֽϴ. You have two cavities.
409.   ־. However, I have one condition.
410.   ߾. The truth is, I've had a little cosmetic surgery.
411.  ̾. I don't have a clue.
412.  츮 Ǽ ȭ ִ ʾƿ? Don't you think we're having a
constructive conversation?
413.  ̽. To have the right chemistry.
414.  ſ ̰ . This cup has a chip.
415.   ƿ! Keep your chin up!
416.   . Convince me.
417.  ׵ Ϸ Ѵ. They are trying to corner the market.
418.   . He is no different.
419.  ׾߸ õϷ̴. It's downright monotonous.
420.   ĮĮؿ. My throat is dry.
421.  õ ű ־! ϰڳ׿. That's doable!
422.   ̴ Today's discomfort index is very high.
423.  ̰ 1ȸԴϴ. This is disposable.
424.  ̰͸ ǵ帮 ƹ ? Will everything be okay as long as I do not disturb
425.   ۿ ± . I'm in the doghouse with my wife since I stayed out last night.
426.  츮 ȸ Դϴ. Our company is in the middle of downsizing.
427.  ״ ⺻ ϰ ʴ´. He's basically a decent person,
but we're not compatible.
428.  ״ ɼ̾. He's a dog in the manger.
429.  ׶ Ҿ. Those were the days.
430.  ̹ ̾. There is nothing you can do about it.
431.   Ѿ Դϴ! It's been one disaster after another!
432.   Դ ̾. Math is death on people like me.
433.   ġ. A diamond on a dunghill is still a diamond.
434.  ǿ . There is dandruff on your jacket.
435.  , ߾. It's a date.
436.  ƿ, Դϴ. It's a deal.
437.   ? When is her baby due?
438.   Ϸ翴׿! What a day today was!
439.   ̻ ʿ䰡 . You're beating a dead horse.
440.   ! I'll be damned!
441.  ׳ ٸ ͵ , 㵵 ߾. She danced very well, to say the least.
442.  װ Ա. Dealing with it is a breeze.
443.   , ȥ ! Deal him hard measure!
444.   . Let's decide by rock, scissors, paper.
445.   Դ Ǿ. His military service was deferred until he
finished college.
446.   ؾ Ѵ. We must delay our journey until the weather
447.  Ⲩ ڼ. I shall be delighted to come.
448.   ÷. You must deliver.
449.   ƸƮ Ź ϰ ־. I am delivering newspapers as a part time job.
450.  츮 ġ ƿ. My boss demands a lot from me.
451.  ƺ Ҹ . Don't be so depressing.
452.  ״ £ ٸ Ҿ. The war deprived him of the lower limbs.
453.   θ ̶ ϼ, ƴϸ ̶ ϼ? Would you describe yourself as outgoing or more reserved?
454.  ׳ а ô ؿ. She deserves cold eyes for a while.
455.   ְڳ. It deserves what she does!
456.   ÷ ƴٰ ? You don't think that I deserve a raise by
457.   ؿ. I don't deserve you.
458.  ü ̷ ޾ƾ ϳ? What did I do to deserve that?
459.  Ѱ ٸ ´. One good turn deserves another.
460.   ̿. I despise the emotional stuff.
461.   ʸ ϴ ð 󸶳 ɸϱ? How quickly can you develop this film?
462.  븧 ؼ ȵȴ. Don't dice away your fortune.
463.   . The good die young.
464.   ڴ? Old habits die hard.
465.   ״ . I die, I die.
466.  âؼ ״ ˾Ҿ. I thought I'd die of embarrassment.
467.   ڴ . She always digs her heels in.
468.   װ . I really dig it.
469.   θ ! Dig into your studies!
470.   ֱ. He is digressing again.
471.  װ ƿ. Don't be discouraged by it.
472.   ԰ Ʈ . Ditch your class and go to a disco with me.
473.   ڸ ǰڴ. The box will do for a seat.
474.   ƴ. That should do it.
475.  װ عؿ. It will only do you harm.
476.  ״ ָԱ Ѵ. He does his work catch‐as‐catch‐can.
477.   鵵 ¥ ϴ ƴϴ. They don't do it for nothing.
478.   ϸ Ѵ. Steady does it!
479.   ϸ ! Do it or else!
480.   ü ϴ ? What can't you do?
481.  װ  ׷ ֳ? How could you do that to me?
482.   ּż մϴ. I appreciate everything you've done for me.
483.  ߸ ! Do up your coat!
484.   ݾ. What can we do?
485.   ޴ ׳ Ȯ ޶. Her cosmetic surgery really did something for
486.   ŭ Ҵ. That does it.
487.   öϰ ϴ ? Why don't you do up brown?
488.   ? Doing okay?
489.  츮 ׶ ̴ϴ. We were done in that time.
490.  ̸ϸ ༮ ¦ ϰڴ. That will do his business.
491.  , ƴ. There, that's done!
492.  ؼ ϶. Easy does it.
493.   ص ص . A woman's work is never done.
494.   ڴ. I could do with a drink.
495.   ε ׷ ٻϰ Ծ? What are you all dolled up for?
496.  ״ ϱ 1 2 . He doubles as my works.
497.   帱? Should I double‐bag it?
498.  ͳ ̾߱սô. Let your hair down.
499.   󸶳 ƾ մϱ? How much down?
500.   ξƹŸ. Ten hours of work down the drain!
501.  ̳ 𸣴. The seminar dragged on and on.
502.  ״ ŵξ. He drew his last breath.
503.   췯. This tea draws well.
504.  ̱ . Let's draw to see who goes first.
505.  ذ  ִ. The year is drawing to a close.
506.  ̰ ΰ, ΰ? Am I dreaming or am I awake?
507.  ѹ . Let's drink the night away.
508.   ô±. You drive a hard bargain.
509.  ״ 2Ÿ 2Ÿ ƴ. He drove in two runs with a double.
510.  ٰ ׸ ܾ. Stop driving me batty.
511.   ༮ ϳ ָ ȴ. Drop a hint, and he will understand everything.
512.  ƺ ⿡ ּ̾. My dad dropped me off here.
513.   ٹ ʾҽϴ. My jaw dropped.
514.  ߰ ؾ մϴ. You should drop a class before midterm.
515.   ȸ ! Don't duck the question!
516.  5 ģ . I was dumped by my girlfriend of five years.
517.   Ͽ ƿ. Stop dwelling on the little things.
518.  1ȸ ֳ? Can I have a disposable paper cup?
519.  װ س. I have dibs on this.
520.  װ ϼ̴. It has a double advantage.
521.  豺 ǥ ̾. Mr. Kim has a dead pan always.
522.  ϱ ⵵ҰԿ. I hope you have an easy delivery.
523.   ּ. Can I have a doggy bag?
524.  ȸ â ֽϱ? Do you have any disposable bandages?
525.   , . Meet me in your dreams.
526.   ̻ ڴ! Enough is enough!
527.   Ӵ. It's easy to miss what is in front of you.
528.  ̾ϸ پ? Sorry isn't enough.
529.   װ Ȯ ׿. Those red frames are really eye‐catching!
530.   ձ۵ձϴ. She is easygoing.
531.   񽺴 Ȯմϴ. The service here is exceptional.
532.   谡 Ұ ƿ. These days life isn't easy for those in the oil
533.   Ҽ ó ϰ Ѵ. The novel is entire in tone.
534.   ƹų Խϴ. Whatever, I'm easy to please.
535.  Դϴ. We're even.
536.  ׺ ϴ. He's been everywhere.
537.  ׳ ó. She is my ex.
538.  ״ Ӵ´. He is an easy mark.
539.  úҰ̿. Something is an eyesore.
540.   ڶ ̴. There aren't enough hours in the day.
541.  ʴ α. You're everything they say you are.
542.   . Sleeping in is not an excuse for being late.
543.  ġ ġ ݾƿ. Either way, the result is the same.
544.  ϴ . There is no electricity.
545.  տ ϴ ̴. I'm on the edge of my seat.
546.   ¦ ϰھ. I'm up to my ears in work.
547.   䰪 ϰ ? Are you earning your keep?
548.   տ ڴ. I'll eat my hat.
549.  ʹ Ϳ ְ ;. He is so cute that I want to eat him up.
550.   ƿ. Don't eat between meals.
551.   ʽÿ. Eat up!
552.  簡 ̻ . You could eat off the floor.
553.   ִ? What's eating you?
554.   ڴ ĻĻϴ. This cake eats short.
555.  ߸ ؾ . You have to eat crow if you are wrong.
556.  ̰ ̾?  I'm so embarrassed.
557.   糪.  It's embarrassing to watch.
558.  ׷ٰ ū Ŀ. You'll end up embarrassing yourself.
559.  츮 ȭȣ ȯϰ Ǿ. We ended up swapping our telephone numbers.
560.  ̷ ְ Ծ Ƴ׿. I haven't enjoyed food like this in a long time.
561.   Ծϴ. I really enjoyed the meal.
562.   ׷ٴ . I'm just exaggerating a bit.
563.   å 뺸 ξ Ҵ. The book exceeded my expectations.
564.   ׷ ƿ? What are you so excited about?
565.  ŵ ϴ. You're excused.
566.   ϴ. Nothing can excuse this.
567.  ׺ ƿ÷  ð ̻ ɸ ϴ.
        He's not expected to be in for at least another hour or so.
568.   ˸ ϱ. That explains it.
569.   ƿ. Stop eyeing my ring.
570.  ׳ ǿ ˾. She has an ear for music.
571.  ״ ۿ . He has nothing in his pocket except money.
572.   ڽ ϰ . His manners are too familiar.
573.  ׷ Ҹ ⿡ ñ ؿ. A voice like that is few and far between.
574.  ġ̵ ô±. You're very good at telling fibs.
575.  θԲ ǹ . Don't be fresh to your parents.
576.   û á. The class is full.
577.   Ƽ ſ. I'm afraid I'm not fit to do that.
578.   ļ ٷο ̿. I am very fussy about foods.
579.   ȭ ׿. It's so frustrating.
580.  ȭ . The screen is fuzzy.
581.   ߴ. I'm home free.
582.   з ִ. He is far back on his rent.
583.  ʳ ξƹŸ. All the pains were for nothing.
584.   ʾ. Crying is not for me.
585.   ã ٰ ּ. If it's for me, say I'm not here.
586.  ģ ٴ . That's what friends are for.
587.   ü ʴ´. He's from Missouri.
588.  Ⱑ ٰԴ. The fat is in the fire.
589.   ô ̳. It's like drinking flat beer.
590.  ̰ . This is a foolproof plan!
591.   Ƽ Ϻ ̾. The party was a fiasco.
592.  װ ⵵̴. It's a fixed game.
593.  װ ̾. It was a fault on the right side.
594.  κ ģ. Most of those are just fair weather friends.
595.   ¥ . There's no free lunch in this world.
596.   θ ڿ. There are a lot of fish in the sea.
597.   Ƽα. It's a fly in the ointment.
598.  ϱ⿹ ϴ? What was the forecast?
599.   ''ڸ ڷ մϴ. From my family and my generation, Su is the fixed name.
600.  Żǽ Դϱ? Where's the fitting room?

Խù ̸Ϸ Ʈ  ȭ麸
DATE: 2015.11.29 - 08:46 - Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1

  ķ ξ簡

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320Simple view Ʈ  ̾߱ 2024.06.21 678
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