پ 15 / Į 2015/04/07 15:17
1. ٻڴٴ ʴ´ (They never say they're too busy) ڽ ð ؾ ϴ ȴ.
2. ذå Ѵ (They put forth solutions as often as they identify problems) Ǽ ϱ⺸ ذ .
3. ʴ´ (They never stop learning) ſ κ Ѵ.
4. 鿡 δ (They give you their full attention) ߿伺 ˰ Ѵ.
5. ȹ ű ӹ ʴ´ (They have a plan, but they're willing to deviate from it) ǥ εμ ȹ ű ʰ Ȳ ϰ Ѵ.
6. ð Ų (They're punctual) ð ö Ų.
7. ϰ Ҽȹ̵ ʴ´ (They stay off social media during the day) ϰ Ȯ Ѵ.
8. ģ (They have lots of friends) , ΰ ߿伺 ȴ.
9. ִ (They are open-minded) ڽ Ϻ ʴٴ ϰ ٸ Ƶδ.
10. ϱ⺸ ش (They offer to help rather than criticize) ̹ Ͼ Ǽ ϱ⺸ ִ ã´.
11. ڽ ൿ å (They take responsibility for their actions) ڽ ൿ Ⲩ å δ.
12. ۿѴٴ ȴ (They realize success is part luck) ӿ ū ּ Ѵ.
13. ϴ Ƶ ʴ´ (They don't take rejection personally) Ͻ Ͻ . Ƶ ʴ´.
14. ǰ ϴ ð (They take their time to form a opinion) ǰ ̸ Ϸ Ѵ.
15. ð ʴ´ (They don't waste their time) ð̾߸ ڿ νϰ ʴ´. [ó] پ 15 |ۼ ְ

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